#!/bin/bash #PBS -N dns_in #PBS -l select=1:ncpus=36:vntype=cray_compute #PBS -l walltime=01:00:00 #PBS -q <Queue Name> #PBS -j oe cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR aprun -n 36 -N 36 ./applicationCurrent Queue Policy :
Queue Name | Number of Nodes |
NCMRWF | 650 |
NCMRWF1 | 350 |
INCOIS | 784 |
IMD | 224 |
COMPROD | 524 (300+ 224 nodes of IMD queue) |
serial | 1 |
serial1 | 1 |
user@elogin03:~/myjob> qsub myjob.pbs.sh
3. Checking the status of submitted jobs:
user@elogin03:~/myjob> qstat 87493.sdb
Here are some of the commonly used PBS commands -
Task | Commands |
Job submission | qsub [script_file] |
Job deletion | qdel [job_id] |
Job status (by job) | qstat [job_id] |
Job status (by user) | qstat -u [user_name] |
Job hold | qhold [job_id] |
Job release | qrls [job_id] |
Queue list | qstat -Q |
Here is the list of some commonly used PBS specific environment variables
Submit Directory | $PBS_O_WORKDIR |
Submit Host | $PBS_O_HOST |
Node List | $PBS_NODEFILE |
Job Array Index | $PBS_ARRAYID |
Here is the list of some PBS directive flags -
Queue | -q [queue] |
Node Count | -l nodes=[count] |
CPU Count | -l ppn=[count] OR -lmppwidth=[PE_count] |
Wall Clock Limit | -l walltime=[hh:mm:ss] |
Standard Output FIle | -o [file_name] |
Standard Error File | -e [file_name] |
Combine stdout/err | -j oe (both to stdout) OR -j eo (both to stderr) |
Copy Environment | -V |
Job Name | -N [name] |
Job Restart | -r [y|n] |
Resource Sharing | -l naccesspolicy=singlejob |
Memory Size | -l mem=[MB] |
Tasks Per Node | -l mpiprocs [PEs_per_node] |
Job Dependency | -d [job_id] |
Job Project | -e [file_name] |
Job Arrays | -t [array_spec] |
Generic Resources | -l other=[resource_spec] |
Presentation Material (13/07/2018)